Tuesday, 31 January 2017

28: Rough Edit

This is the first draft of my music video and has helped me to see what bits I need to change and redo. The most obvious parts that I need to redo are the lip-syncing scenes as they are not clear enough and do not sync completely. For the rest of the shots some of them need to be stabilised, cropped and cut slightly in order to appear more professional. I also believe that some of the scenes go on for too long and could sued with being switched up either in a different order or switched for some other footage that I have.

Overall I am happy with the progress of my music video however it is definitely not done and still there are a lot of improvements that need to be made. This rough edit is important though as it allows me to get feedback from my peers and to know what to do in order to improve the quality and professionalism of my music video.

To Improve:
Lip-syncing shots
Stabilisation of certain clips
Length of certain scenes

27: Shooting the Film

I used two main tools to aid with the filming of my music video; a steadicam and tripod. These two tools helped me to improve the quality of my shots. 
The camera I used was just a cannon point and shoot however I do believe this provided a sufficient level of quality. 
Shooting my film took two days in order to fit into the routine of my actors and catch the lighter parts of the winter days.
The lip-syncing shots however were done in advance at school due to the availability of a projector. I managed to source the projector within school and sue the sixth form centre as my studio for shooting the lip-syncing scenes. 
Shooting the film had to be done it quite a short frame of time due to the availability of my actresses and singer. I also wanted the shots of the city which meant I had to do all of my filming outside of school for the storyline. This came with a risk as if I didn't get a shot there would be no way of me being able to redo it. This mean I spent I long time planning out each shot and making sure there was no chance of forgetting one.