Tuesday, 4 October 2016

10: Inspirational Influences

Lsa Del Rey is one artist whose music videos I admire and wish to take inspiration from when making my own. Although she herself has directed some of the videos, she uses various directors. Some of the directors she has used are Johan Renck, Kinga Burza, Anthony Mandler and Yoann Lemon. These are all amazing artists and when they work with Lana the cinematography and story are truly amazingly presented. Another thing that inspires me about Lana is the fact that some of her videos such as 'Video Games' was infact recorded on a webcam and created solely by herself. This inspires me as I have minimal access to technology and it proves to me that in order to make an effective music video I don't need the latest technology.

One theme Lana Del Rey uses throughout most her music is that she makes her footage appear vintage and recorded on an old video camera. This is something that I believe works really well and can be very effective in a music video.

Another technique Lana and her directors have used is through a projector and a white wall. This allows images to be passed over her face and is a great way of using both lighting and physical effects to portray certain aspects of the cinematography.

 Colour is also strongly used throughout the videos, whether this is through vivd colours, natural colours or by putting films to make it appear darker. Lana Del Rey's music video prove just how effective lighting can be when creating a video.

Not all but many of Lana's music videos have a strong story throughout that allows the audiences imagination to run wild. Her brilliant casting choices and plots make her music videos strong pieces of art that usually hold deeper meanings.

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